Last friday, Sept. 7 2012, during our last CantinaJazz show at the Navicelli, a big crowd, the art exhibit by artist Francesco Milicia and fine wines by Villa Vestri were more than we could have asked for.
It took place on the terrace, and the sunset behind the stage made the rest, depicting a magnificent scenario for the audience and the artists. Special thanks go to Mr. Domenico Cariddi, president of the Navicelli, and his staff, Isabelle Fahrni from winery Villa Vestri who offered her incredible wines and didn’t think twice when she had to get her hands dirty and help us setting the whole thing up. Thank You to Francesco Milicia for his beautiful paintings, to Roberto Marangoni, co-founder of the Cantinajazz adventure and president of the non-profit organization XlinX and, of course, to my musicians Andrea Pellegrini and Matteo Anelli.
Many, many thanks to our sponsors: Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Volterra and Credito Val di Nievole, for making all this possible!!
For more details about our past and future events, the wine producers we work with, our sponsors etc visit the CantinaJazz Webpage
Enjoy the video and feel free to share your thoughts!!